January 2007 is already over
Well, well, good people of the earth...where has all the time gone? I hope you all had a wonderful holiday season. I, for one, was glad to be able to spend most of the month in one time zone. Had to go to Florida for a week, but other than that I had a fun time spending the holiday season with family and friends.
I spent many evenings playing games such as Clue, Monopoly, Mexican Train, and Phase 10, getting my butt beat in the process! But it's all about having fun, right? My dad and I decorated the Christmas tree. We had problems with the angel figurine on top...she wouldn't stay upright! Any time we'd fix her, it seemed like she was always on the tipsy side...we'd find her leaning forward, sideways, backward. We gave up after several days. My mom's cat, Ragtag, decided that the container in which the tree sat had better drinking water than his water bowl. We were sitting at the dining room table one day and heard this lapping sound nearby. Couldn't figure out where it was coming from until he wanders out from under the tree licking his mouth with a satisfied look on his face. He also took a liking to the soft "snow" that was under the tree. More than once, we found him under the tree asleep.
My family holiday wouldn't be the same without all the goodies, so my dad made popcorn balls, my mom made portzels, there was the usual influx of sugar, and the day after Christmas, my stomach told me it'd had enough! I woke up with a stomachache the day after and it took the whole morning to settle down...to much holiday cheer!! LOL
The night before New Year's Eve, my brother Philip, Jeff and I spent the evening playing Sorry and guzzling homemade Root Beer floats, along with munching on chip n' dip, and chex mix. I hadn't played Sorry in a long time, but it's nice to play mindless games every now and again. We all had a lot of fun.
Over the Martin Luther King, Jr holiday weekend, Jeff and I spent the time in Phoenix with a friend of mine. I was in AZ during the week leading up to the weekend, so Jeff and thought it would be nice to see my friend April and see some things in AZ. We went up to Sedona to see the red rocks, climbed up part of Squaw Peak and got good views of the the metro Phoenix area, took a drive on the Apache Trail and got some beautiful views of various lakes and other desert topography. But boy, was it cold! The same cold snap that wiped out our citrus crop here in CA, hit AZ as well, and there were busted pipes in various places around Phoenix. I also visited the church where my old Pastor from up in Montana is currently presiding. I hadn't seen him in 19.5 years! Where have all the flowers gone...
Wedding plans...as a lot of you know, I love to plan things. However, there is a caveat. I like to plan things and then be done with it...you know, move on to the next project. But this whole wedding business, it's taxing my patience. And I knew this was going to happen. I have this challenge with getting bored with things that take too long to transpire. But things are slowly coming together. Had a slight bump in the road with regards to locale, having to work on Plan B, but it's all s'posed to build character, right? Or, at least that's what I'm told.
It's February already, tomorrow is Groundhog Day. I wonder what Punxsutawney Phil will tell us...hmmm...did you see that movie? Sometimes I feel that's how my life goes, in one big circle, lol. But winter is almost half over and we're WAY behind in terms of precipitation out here. Based on what I've been reading, it's a problem in many places around the globe. 'Tis not a good thing!
I do hope all is going well with you, whereever you may be. Drop me a line sometimes, otherwise, I'll see you in the funny papers :).